The Truth in Labeling Campaign


Brain Damage

Adverse Reactions


Consumers Tell Us

The Unborn & Very Young

Flawed Industry Studies


Read It for Yourself

Truth in Labeling Campaign> Data> Read it for yourself

Read it for yourself

Sometimes the facts are so obvious they just can't be ignored. The kind of "evidence," so to speak, that smacks you right in the face.

That's what we're compiling on this page, letters, studies and reports that will allow you to see for yourself many of the facts we've documented in this website.

1. The Ebert/Anderson letter: Andrew Ebert’s letter to FASEB acknowledging that from 1978 forward, placebos used in International Glutamate Technical Committee (IGTC) studies of the safety of monosodium glutamate were laced with aspartame.

2. FDA Adverse Reactions Monitoring System (ARMS) – Collected Reports of Adverse reactions to monosodium glutamate.

3. FDA Adverse Reactions Monitoring System (ARMS) – Collected Reports of Adverse reactions to Aspartame.
(Note: Not only are the recorded reactions in #2 and #3 virtually identical, they occur with the same relative frequency.)

4. How we know what we know.

5. Monosodium L-glutamate: a double-blind study and review by Tarasoff and Kelley illustrates the badly flawed studies produced by the IGTC.

6. The Alleged Safety of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): A review of the literature and critique of industry sponsored research.

7. Samuels critique of the Tarasoff and Kelley study.

8. International Food Information Council (IFIC), MSG Committee/MSG Coalition COMMUNICATIONS PLAN, July-December 1991: Plan to scuttle the 1991 “60 Minutes” program on monosodium glutamate.

9. Minor components in monosodium glutamate, Bulletin of the Japanese Central Customs Laboratory in 1977. (Deki M, Echizen A, Temma T.) Discussion of impurities in monosodium glutamate

10. 1,3-Dichloro-2-propanol [CAS No. 96-23-1] Review of Toxicological Literature: Review of Toxicological Literature discussing the presence of carcinogenic propanols in acid-hydrolyzed proteins.

11. Regulatory Status of Maillard Reaction Flavors. Lawrence J. Lin. Division of Food and Color Additives, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA. August 24, 1992. Paper presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society, August 24, 1992. Discussion of the presence of carcinogenic (cancer-causing) heterocyclic amines in the Maillard reaction that produces enhanced flavor in food.

12. Designed for deception

13. Biological, Chemical, and Physical Hazards

14. Researchers warning that manufactured free glutamate in food might contribute to adverse events.

15. Names of ingredients that contain Manufactured free Glutamate (MfG).

16. Human studies demonstrating the toxicity of MSG.

17. List of adverse reactions that might be MSG-induced.

18. Industry's FDA

19. Misrepresentations, lies, and FDA patronage.

20. Selected MSG human safety studies demonstrating negative results.


The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about MSG and manufactured free glutamate