The Truth in Labeling Campaign


Truth in Labeling Campaign> Videos


If you come across a video you think should be added to this page, please send us a note here:

  Part three of the CBN series on monosodium glutamate, interview with Jack Samuels (co-founder of the Truth in Labeling Campaign) and Dr. Russell Blaylock.
Carol Alt interviews Adrienne Samuels about hidden Manufactured free Glutamate (MfG) in processed foods.
Actor Paul Rudd tells Jimmy Fallon how he fainted during a flight to Hong Kong after eating soup that contained monosodium glutamate.
In anticipation of its release in 1991, the Wall Street Journal ran a front page article on the “60 Minutes” report on the hazards of MSG. Ajiomoto hired the International Food Information Council (IFIC) to do damage control.

From time to time, concerned citizens speak out about the hazards of MSG. Dr. Eric Berg, D.C. is one of them.

Dr. Russell Blaylock talks about the power of the glutamate industry and his 1994 book, Excitotoxins, The Taste that Kills.
Dr. Vincent Bellonzi, D.C., C.C.N., is another health professional speaking out on the dangers of MSG.
Katherine Reid, PhD, gives a TEDx talk on the effect diet can have on the brain. 
  The History of Monosodium Glutamate (the hidden neurotoxic chemical) Part One, by Avalina Kreska
  The History of Monosodium Glutamate (the hidden neurotoxic chemical) Part Two, by Avalina Kreska
Clip from the documentary "Hungry for Change" that looks at MSG and obesity.


The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about MSG and manufactured free glutamate